Dementia is one of the most difficult situations to deal with for the friends and family of the victims. Slowly, or sometimes with unbelievable speed, the mind of someone loved dearly simply melts away before your eyes. Here are four important ways to participate in the process more effectively, helping yourself, along with the person with dementia.
1. Form A Real Relationship The With Nursing Home Staff
There's a real team at work for your loved one dealing with dementia, and you are a very important member of that team. Get to know the people caring for your loved one personally, and give them your email address so they can keep you informed on a regular basis. Encourage them to keep you in the loop, and you'll be a more effective participant in all that goes on for your loved one. The team is responsible, not just for life-sustaining situations like nutrition and medicine, but for the day-to-day well-being of patients, and you (along with other friends and family members) can do so much more when you all work as a team.
2. Keep A Journal Of What Goes On And How You Feel
Taking notes on the progression of dementia may help you prepare and predict a little more, give you some solid information for nurses and doctors, and also help you emotionally adjust to the course ahead. Notes often provide a realistic picture of a situation with details that would otherwise be missed, and writing may be a very good way for you to relieve some of the frustration winding up inside of you.
3. Have A Specific Routine Of Care And Conversation With Your Loved One
Although you might feel compelled to try new things every time you pay a visit to the nursing home, a solid routine may be your best option. Both for you and your loved one with dementia, a simple routine repeated each time helps. For example, you could bring some favorite food or beverage along, if it's permitted by the nursing home staff, sing a couple of familiar songs, and have a little walk outside.
4. Learn About The Future, So You Can Prepare For It
Dementia doesn't offer victims a way back to "normalcy" or a road to recovery; it's most often a permanent and regressive condition, making victims of everyone involved. Know what's most likely to happen as the condition progresses in order to be prepared for it. For example, take time now for those heartfelt discussions you ought to have with your loved one and snap a few pics of their beautiful smile. Capitalize on the time and talk that you have left now.
Dealing with dementia clearly demonstrates how truly precious time is; thus, the more effectively you can use it, the better off everyone will be. Make sure you look after yourself, too, as you care for your friend or family member with this disease. The more aware and prepared you are, the more you can be there for them. Contact a dementia care facility for additional info.
There are many different types of assisted living facilities, and choosing one can be confusing. You want your loved one to be safe, happy and cared for, but how do you know which facility will best meet your needs? My name is Meghan, and I have helped my family place our loved ones in various assisted living homes. I'd like to give you a checklist and questions to ask yourself when you choose an assisted living facility for someone you love; you don't have to be overwhelmed. I can help you find the best place for your elderly loved one.