Choosing an Assisted Living Facility

Choosing an Assisted Living Facility

  • Normal Aging Or Something More Serious? What Caretaker Children Must Know About Memory Loss

    Caring for an aging parent is a task that is becoming increasingly common for adult children both here and around the world. While many of these aging parents require assistance to deal with mobility issues or physical impairments, many also exhibit a declining mental acuity that can range from simple, age-related memory loss to the more debilitating stages of dementia. For the adult children who have assumed the role of caretaker, any instance of memory loss can be troubling as they worry about what this type of decline will mean for their parent's future health and lifestyle.

  • 5 Do's and Don'ts for Selecting the Right Assisted-Living Facility for Your Elderly Loved One

    An assisted-living residence can provide help with your elderly loved one's everyday needs, including light housekeeping and meal preparation, while allowing him or her to remain independent in a home environment. If you are planning to help your loved one choose such a facility, there are a few aspects to keep in mind to ensure you make the right choice. Location, housing restrictions, lease contracts, and services offered are a few things to consider.

About Me

Choosing an Assisted Living Facility

There are many different types of assisted living facilities, and choosing one can be confusing. You want your loved one to be safe, happy and cared for, but how do you know which facility will best meet your needs? My name is Meghan, and I have helped my family place our loved ones in various assisted living homes. I'd like to give you a checklist and questions to ask yourself when you choose an assisted living facility for someone you love; you don't have to be overwhelmed. I can help you find the best place for your elderly loved one.